Much like that thing that restores the youtube downvote counter, it ought to be possible to make a platform that gives comments, corrections, and annotations to ANY webpage to other users of that platform.
I want to -NOT THANK- AT&T for being extra shitty and eliminating community forums. Less information for all!
Submitted 4 days ago by to 4 days ago
There’s probably nobody left to run it. They’ve been bleeding IT talent for years but it kicked into high gear this quarter because they mandated 5 day RTO. Everyone who was worth a shit was like “lol bye” and got a new job or retired. 4 days ago
That and I’m sure majority of the posts just prove they are at fault, corrupt, liars and cheats and all around screwing the consumer over every chance they get.
Company can’t have tons of truthful things said about them…so read their scripted crap that doesn’t apply.