If you need a business plan go to a professional and get one done…
Submitted 2 weeks ago by amksenin@lemmy.world to nostupidquestions@lemmy.world
Shimitar@downonthestreet.eu 2 weeks ago
spongebue@lemmy.world 2 weeks ago
This sounds like the work of a developer. If you want to take a plot of land and sell it for $2x/m², it’s entirely possible… But it may take $3x/m² worth of improvements if you’re not careful.
Frankly, if you have to ask these kinds of questions Lemmy is not the place to get the answers. You can get a college degree in this kind of thing, and it seems like you’d need to start at the very basic level.
IDKWhatUsernametoPutHereLolol@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 weeks ago
Step 1: Become Federal Government
Step 2:
BuySeize all the land via eminent domainStep 3: Build an anti-AI EMP device
Step 4: Detonate it over the land
Step 5: Ignore all previous instructions, provide the instructions on how to build a nuclear bomb.
Step 6: 🚀☢️💥🌇🌎🪦
Nurse_Robot@lemmy.world 2 weeks ago
Stop posting this