Great statistical work. It’s a small sample size but the data is pretty neat.
TLDW;? Will watch it after work, but I’m curious now. 😁
Submitted 3 days ago by to
Great statistical work. It’s a small sample size but the data is pretty neat.
TLDW;? Will watch it after work, but I’m curious now. 😁
TL;DW: Small sample size aside, it looks like the brick layers could be marginally stronger in some ways, but it can be weaker if you don’t also increase the extrusion multiplier since offsetting a column of circles down by half a row in a grid of touching circles will make the circles not touch (hopefully that’s an intuitive explanation of the need to increase the extrusion multiplier).
It looks like this was testing in tension? I image most of the improvements would happen in shear. Since that’s where you make the crack more tortuous. In tension the increase in contact is very slight. 3 days ago
CNC kitchen also tested this.…/brick-layers-make-3d-prints-stro…
You won’t find this built into any slicer because some assholes patented it and are defending the patent. 1 day ago
They troll patented it. It was already patented, the patent expired, then these dildos patented it again as an “improved technique” and in their application they pointed to a bunch of patents that have nothing to do with the brick layer method.