Are we at the point where we’re being sued for our opinions? Our thoughts? Because fact is fact. It can not be disputed if it is the actual truth that anyone can actually see and verify. Oh, I get it. It’s rich people suing poor people because the US legal system favors the wealthy.
UnitedHealth Hires Defamation Firm Over Social Media Posts (1)
Submitted 4 weeks ago by to
Comments 4 weeks ago 4 weeks ago
It’s called SLAAP, and it’s legal in most states. UHC will certainly file in those states and get judgements against you, even if you are in a state that bans/penalizes these. 4 weeks ago
Send more blue shells 🥰 4 weeks ago
United Healthcare is the literal worst healthcare company out there. Sue me — I dare you. 4 weeks ago
I didn’t see any “Streisand Effect” communities around here, but there’s at least two “Leopard Ate My Face” ones. 4 weeks ago
They spend the money on lawyers vs just providing better healthcare