In months where you don’t utilize any searches on your plan, we will automatically apply a full credit to your account for that month. This credit will be applied to your next billing cycle, effectively covering your subsequent month’s subscription at no additional cost.
Still costs $5 even if you only make a single search that month… 4 weeks ago
I thought I knew how to pronounce Kagi, but their pronunciation guide kah-gee makes me wonder how “gee” if pronounced. Like the G in GIF or like the G in GIF? 4 weeks ago
I always found it funny that in Italian kagi is read “caghi” which is a mediumly-rude word for “you take a dump”.
Not what you were looking for, sorry for the OT :) 4 weeks ago
Haha maybe they need to update their logo! 4 weeks ago
Neither. It’s G in GIF. 4 weeks ago
I love it! Very fancy sounding!