Submitted 4 weeks ago by to
Binary, an anti-trans activist organisation that was renamed from the anti-marriage equality group Marriage Alliance in 2018 after same-sex marriage became law.
When your goal in life is to hate somebody.
Shoulda saved time on branding and just called themselves the Queer Haters Association
How about something more explicitly honest like The I’m So Miserably Insecure I Can’t Abide Other People Being Happy Club. 4 weeks ago
Binary, an anti-trans activist organisation that was renamed from the anti-marriage equality group Marriage Alliance in 2018 after same-sex marriage became law.
When your goal in life is to hate somebody. 4 weeks ago
Shoulda saved time on branding and just called themselves the Queer Haters Association 4 weeks ago
How about something more explicitly honest like The I’m So Miserably Insecure I Can’t Abide Other People Being Happy Club.