Traditional fermentation practices, essential for self-sufficiency, embody a form of everyday resistance and quiet sustainability, countering the homogenization and commodification of food.
Power to the microbes: Reclaiming traditional foods for a degrowth food future
Submitted 5 weeks ago by to 5 weeks ago
I have been learning how to pickle vegetables (mainly cucumbers). The first attempt failed, but it isn’t hard once you know how to avoid some common issues. And I love pickled cucumbers 🤤 5 weeks ago
If you have a good link on how to do pickled vegetables or with tips, please share! 5 weeks ago
Not really, I mostly went by trial and error and very old memories of doing it as a kid with my grandmother.
But I learned that if you don’t peel the vegetables it can make sense to shortly immerse them it boiling water before transferring them to the vinegar broth. Just the hot vinegar water itself seems to be insufficient to kill some of the fungi clinging to the outer peel and those seem to be not as sensitive to the low pH as other microorganisms.