The first carcass of a great white, a small female, washed up in South Africa on 9 February 2017. The 2.6-metre-long body had no hook or net marks, ruling out human involvement. Whatever had killed her had vanished. So too had all the other great white sharks in Gansbaai on the Western Cape, Dr Alison Towner noticed.
“We had several sharks acoustically tagged, and later realised three had moved as far as Plettenberg Bay and Algoa Bay, more than 500km [300 miles] east,” says the Rhodes University marine biologist.
It was not until May that sightings of the sharks returned to their peak. Then three more carcasses were found over five days, followed by a fifth in June. For eight eerie weeks, not one great white shark was sighted. 5 weeks ago
I mean…
This story seems incomplete without a review of the taste of great white shark liver. 5 weeks ago
The liver of the great white shark is highly nutritious and energy-dense, containing up to 75.9% lipids in dry mass and an energy density of 34.1 kJ/g[3]. It is rich in squalene and essential fatty acids, making it a valuable energy source for predators like killer whales, which target it exclusively[2][5]. Humans have consumed shark liver, often frying it, but it is not recommended due to high mercury levels[6]. Its taste is described as rich and oily, reflecting its high fat content, but culinary use is rare because of toxicity concerns[6].
Citations: [1] How the liver contributes to stomach warming in the endothermic … ……/how-the-liver-contributes-to-st… [2] All about a Great White Sharks Liver - OCEAN SAFARIS…/all-about-a-great-white-sharks… [3] Lipid, Fatty Acid and Energy Density Profiles of White Sharks [4] Great white shark stomach study shows surprising supper source…/great-white-shark-stomach-stud… [5] Why Are Killer Whales Ripping Livers Out of Their Shark Prey?…/why-do-killer-whales-rip… [6] Any recipes for stingray or shark liver, if edible at all? - Reddit…/any_recipes_for_stingray_or_shark_li… [7] Great white sharks being ‘poached’ by killer whales as bigger ……/328560 [8] Great white shark - Wikipedia