It looks like the embargo on Section 31 reviews has lifted, so feel free to use this thread to link to reviews, so the main feed doesn’t get too cluttered with them.
"Section 31" early review round-up
Submitted 5 weeks ago by to
Comments 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
:( 5 weeks ago
:( 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
You found the one reviewer who liked it. I bet they like season 1 of TNG, too. 4 weeks ago
Maybe they didn’t watch it? I failed to get past 20 minutes. 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
:( 5 weeks ago
Now that’s a headline! 5 weeks ago
I’d like to be optimistic but I found the Emperor Georgiou to be such a dreadful character (not the fault of Michelle Yeih who is fab) and can’t root for her at all. When they had the sending off for her in Discovery and everyone was sad when she was horrible to them all it felt so contrived and forced. To see her lead a movie is an odd choice. 5 weeks ago
Empire: A bland comedy spacecapade stuck between two (strange new) worlds
Hollywood Reporter: Not Even Michelle Yeoh Can Save Paramount+’s Subpar Spinoff Movie
New York Times: Set the Phasers to Shun
Los Angeles Times: ‘Star Trek: Area 31’ is diverting, but it’s more pilot episode than film (weird and glaring typo in the headline) It isn’t classic ‘Trek’, but the Paramount+ exclusive offers some flashy fun 5 weeks ago
Looks like Alex Kurtzman has done it again! 5 weeks ago…/star-trek-section-31-movie-revie…
I’m finding God for a moment today to pray that this debacle finally and utterly strips Alex Kurtzman of whatever warlock-ass pact-magic power he must have ensorcelled around him
Star Trek either needs to go to Ron Moore and Jane Espensen, or it needs to go back into storage for a decade.
It can be so, so, so much better than all of this! 5 weeks ago
I haven’t liked everything to some out of this era, but on balance I think Kurtzman has done a very good job with the franchise. One streaming movie that’s a bit of a dud (assuming I don’t like it when I actually see it) isn’t likely to change my opinion on that. 5 weeks ago
I’m glad you’ve been able to enjoy it! For me, I feel like the franchise on the whole has fundamentally lost its way; Strange New Worlds, Lower Decks, and Prodigy have many virtues, but even when at their best, they’re still tacking against the wind. 5 weeks ago
Honestly, with them pushing shows that most fans keep disliking over shows that are widely loved, I think they’d rather sink than ever let that guy go.
They kinda did the same back then with Bearman.