by Tyler Durden
<1 line into this and I already know it’s gonna be a riot
Submitted 2 months ago by to
by Tyler Durden
<1 line into this and I already know it’s gonna be a riot
Diversity - there is no such thing as diversity because we have one god, one law, and one dominant culture. Diversity is a liberal delusion that tells a Hindu, a Muslim, a Pashtun, so, and so on, subliminally, and covertly, they are a liberal, and they must follow liberal ways.
Harm Reduction: Providing clean drug paraphernalia for junkies and a safe area for them to shoot up or smoke up, making drug addiction almost consequence-free.
The whole point of why illicit drugs are banned is because it is a turning point that should not be allowed, because it is only bad, with no trade-offs, or benefits. This is why countries like Singapore fast track drug dealers to the gallows to protect their civilization. Strict laws like these are the principal reason why Singapore has no junkies on the street being preyed on by vultures for a quick buck. This is just more live, and let live drivel by leftist. I guess it’s cheaper and easier just to give them needles, because democrats can’t fix problems.
Non-binary - A person who can’t decide what they are, therefore, you shouldn’t either.
I have an easier way. None of those exists, we are all men. I impose my reality over yours.
The whole point of why illicit drugs are banned is because it is a turning point that should not be allowed, because it is only bad, with no trade-offs, or benefits.
Please tell me you’re British. The irony would be so wonderful if you were British.
I’m curious, are you a Christian? 2 months ago
The author is very fragile. 2 months ago
It’s ZeroHedge who unironically uses the pen name ‘Tyler Durden’. Fragile doean’t even come close. 2 months ago
Wow, that’s sad 2 months ago
The whole sub is just one person posting their hate. It’s pretty pathetic.