Annabel Crabb’s analysis of parliamentary goings on this week.
Ah great, the word ‘enshittification’ is already going to shit.
Submitted 2 months ago by to
Annabel Crabb’s analysis of parliamentary goings on this week.
Ah great, the word ‘enshittification’ is already going to shit.
@eureka @Gorgritch_umie_killa If it helps, CoPilot reckons
"still thinking of a playful use of an alternative word
Got it! Here are a few playful alternatives to "enshittification" that convey a similar idea:
Crapification: The process by which something becomes crappy.
Bummification: When things start to become a real bummer.
Suckification: The act of something starting to suck.
Trashification: Transforming into trash-quality.
Downslopification: Going down the slope of quality.
Flopification: The journey from success to flop.
Funkification: Things taking a turn for the worse in a funky way.
These options keep the humorous and playful tone while conveying the decline or deterioration of something. Do any of these fit the bill for what you had in mind? 😊
I do appreciate the irony of using CoPilot to find adjectives for “enshitification”.
If you want a more accurate and useful definition of “enshitification”, try “Microsoft CoPilot”
@eureka @Gorgritch_umie_killa suggestions for a new one?
Meh, never liked the term.
I never felt it captured the seriousness of the undermining of the public’s access to reliable information, by the ownership of these public sphere’s being captured by profit maximising entities.
The temptation to skew algorithms to profit maximisation instead of best information delivery has proven too great, its why a fundamental shift away from the walled garden concept is required. In my view. 2 months ago
I’m glad they have put the onus of social media platforms, however I think there is no feasible way to make this work short of requiring 100 points of ID be provided to your social media account to prove age. As much as I’d like to share that information with every platform I think I’ll pass.
Further to this, how do you police that on something like the fediverse? Is going to shut down because the onus of checking IDs too much for a small social media provider? What about IRC?
I assume there is going to be a series of marches consisting of a million anger children and their parents protesting the loss of Minecraft and Roblox … 2 months ago
I’m worried about this. I see no protections other than the minister’s discretion for small social media being liable for civil penalties of $9million. Thats the kind of money that freezes the social media market in place, allowing only the very largest to be involved.
This is of course if the fediverse admins are unable to implement reasonable steps for age verification.
I’m not technical, so i’ll be interested to know peoples thoughts on the implementation, and maintenance of age verification? 2 months ago
@Gorgritch_umie_killa @Lodespawn Doesn't sound too big a technological challenge (think along the lines of when you sign into a website using Google or Facebook as your ID provider). But puts more hassle on site admins. And, more importantly, how are users going to know if a site is actually doing authentication or just gathering their ID data? Then there's the question of what sites they will try and include in the ban. Meta etc is a given, but Lucy's Australian Knitting forum? iMessage? Signal? Mastodon instances?
Then there's the concern that all of a sudden Govt have a link between all of our online nicknames etc and our actual names. That's a massive issue in my eyes and they'll need to clarify if that's going to happen.
In the end my son could, and probably will, just rent a private server in Singapore for a couple of dollars a month and VPN through that. I expect he'll set his mates up on it too. So instead of some kind of visibility of what he's doing on the home network, I'll have none.
And we'll be paying handsomely for this whole exercise.
I, like a lot of parents I'm sure, am actually in favour of not letting kids into those places. But I can't, yet, see how it can be done. 2 months ago
@Gorgritch_umie_killa @Lodespawn I'm envisaging them leveraging the single-sign-on type stuff they do for MyGov. But do you trust them, and the social site, to handle and appropriately, securely anonymise the Personally Identifiable Information in the transaction? And of course, that means that now under 16s need to have MyGov IDs. The idea of online nicknames etc being linked to actual persons should be a concern. Australia Card anyone?
Of course they may have a completely different approach to it. I mean, every school age child already has a Student Number. That could be a data point for them. Who knows. 2 months ago
The way I see it it would be a struggle for big social media sites to implement. I think they are more likely to shimmy on out of here. 2 months ago
IANAL but I believe the new laws are unenforceable.
I think it is safe for and to ignore the requirements, but maintain a campaign to get the new laws revoked.
As you said, there are bigger fish needing to fight these laws and will cop the worse of the legal backlash. That said, Minecraft servers are typically independently owned and run. It would be upto the individual server admins to regulate. Roblox would be liable though… 2 months ago
63D outline the requirement:
There isn’t really a definition of what reasonable steps are but that looks like it’s on the commissioner to define them under section 27 of the act. A service “includes a website” (does that include gaming servers?) so Lemmy sites would most certainly fit the bill. It really depends how onerous these reasonable steps are as to whether Lemmy sites will be able to implement them.
Not sure how the act implementers plan to deal with servers hosted in other countries. Will they block them? If not then this is a paper tiger, but also an impediment to further development of Australia based platforms. 2 months ago
I’m sure it will simply result in a yes/no dialogue box asking “are you over 16?” 2 months ago
The legislation seems to exclude everything for business purposes, if a child is selling skins on Roblox and they then entitled to an account? It also excludes advertising, if all a user’s interactions are being sold by the provider to advertisers and that being their primary business model, does that mean the account is off the hook? 2 months ago
Can’t see where they state the definition for ‘material’, what does it say?