The fierce reaction to Australia’s new Future Fund mandate reflects how much has changed since 2006 | John Quiggin
Submitted 1 month ago by to
Submitted 1 month ago by to 5 weeks ago
Why is it really only guardian articles posted here? 5 weeks ago
I don’t think it necessarily is.
Many independent publications cannot keep up with the amount published by the ABC and the Guardian. After those two the rest of the major media landscape in Australia quickly becomes centrist/right-wing from Nine’s offerings to Murdoch’s.
Do you have other suggested sources? 5 weeks ago
All sources…
Sounds like you only want to read leftist opinions, and centrist and right are not allowed in here? 5 weeks ago
There are also some independent media articles posted like michaelwest.
Everything else in Australia is owned by Rupert Murdoch. There is no good media, just vomitted hatred and lies.
The guardian at least mostly sticks to the realm of facts.