Two New Game Boy Advance Games Are Coming To Nintendo Switch Online
Two new GBA games are heading to the Nintendo Switch Online on October 11th. F-Zero GP Legend and F-Zero Climax, the latter previously only released in Japan, will now be available to players worldwide through the service.
Key points:
- F-Zero GP Legend (2003)
- F-Zero Climax (2004)
- Only F-Zero GP Legend ever released outside of Japan on previous platforms
Do the recent Nintendo controversies make you more or less likely to check out these titles? 5 months ago
To respond to the question: i cancelled my nso subscription years ago because the BS Nintendo pulled. I’ll never give them another cent. Switch emulation is why i bought a total of 2 switches and nearly 40 games. Killing emulation made it so i basically won’t touch my switch. If i can’t play at a constant framerate at native resolution with whatever controller i want(that can be mapped however i like) i won’t play the games. 5 months ago
F-Zero Climax even has a fan translation.