It would be really great if Mozilla could pick Servo back up, and make it Firefox’s engine, and make it like chromium, where the engine and browser are not so tighltly coupled together. GNOME Web could be so much better if it had the performance of Firefox.
Servo Browser Now Supports Tabbed Browsing, WAV Audio Files.
Submitted 6 months ago by to
Comments 6 months ago 6 months ago
What’s wrong with gecko? 6 months ago
It cannot be embedded the same way as blink to use other front ends, instead they need to be forks of Firefox with customisations that need to be maintained every update 6 months ago
If you like what you see, strongly consider contributing to Servo financially:
I did and I feel quite happy about it. Here's hoping there is more web engines out there 👍 6 months ago
I’m just learning there’s another web engine? I heard about Ladybird but not this. Now I need to try it. 6 months ago
Servo was an experimental ground for Mozilla in some ways (like testing out a new CSS engine and porting it back to Gecko if it works). So it’s quite normal for people to be unaware of it, it was not quite meant for the public.
For a while it was abandoned by Mozilla and stuck in a limbo, until it got picked up by the Linux Foundation. 6 months ago
Servo was codeveloped with rust by Mozilla, to get a faster and safer engine. Servo basically showed where improvements needed to be done and then rustc was modified to fit the need. 6 months ago
Sure would be nice to have another Web engine. 6 months ago
Absolutely this is great news now thenthing is making ppl adopt it. 6 months ago
This, Basilisk and Ladybird make me very optimistic about the future of web browsers. I’m glad to see that people are working on alternatives divorced from Mozilla, as it seems they don’t care anymore. 6 months ago
Why do you think they don’t care anymore? 6 months ago
Basilisk is the odd one out here. It is a continuation of pre-Servo Firefox ( Firefox before Rust ). It is not exactly a “new” engine.
Ladybird is probably the most exciting project as it is most likely to create a new independent browser suitable for daily use.
Servo was very exciting back when Mozilla was heavily invested in it. Sadly, it was long dormant. It really seems to be heating up again though so that is awesome. 6 months ago
Long term servo is unlike to be another web engine. It’ll just replace Firefox. Firefox’s old engine won’t get as much development. Then we’ll be left with Safari, Firefox (servo) and googles web manipulation vehicle Chrome safari with more tracking and higher battery/ram consumption. 6 months ago
Mozilla is not really associated with Servo anymore.
I would be surprised to see Firefox move to Servo.