RIP La Jolla, we never knew ye.
Pity. I have a Quest 3, and while it’s very good, there are higher-end features that I’d live to have. The ability to use it as a monitor, rather as a stand-alone item is one of them. (I got the Quest 3 for exactly one thing. It’s very, very good for that thing, except for the batter life.) 6 months ago
Good. Every headset is a high end head set, the market is saturated. We need a new Rift, or just a quest with a display port. There is nothing in that range except leftover rifts. That would sell millions. 6 months ago
Rift as in CV1? There’s the Vive. Has the tpcast wireless adapter even if you really want to get into it. Or do you crave inside out tracking?