Betteridge’s law of headlines strikes again. If the headline is a question, then the answer is almost always “no.”
People are using ChatGPT for therapy—but is it a good idea?
Submitted 6 months ago by to
Comments 6 months ago 6 months ago
There are programs made by therapists that are built to be help. 6 months ago
what if it gave you bad advice or smth 6 months ago
I hear that chatgpt sell customer data. did chatgpt sold despress person data too ? 6 months ago
I don’t know if ChatGPT is good for mental health. My guess is it’s probably terrible, but maybe not. I’m not a psychiatrist and stranger things have happened.
What I do know is this: while you open up to the chatbot and reveal your innermost private thoughts to it, OpenAI and Microsoft are listening in, and they’re probably selling all you’re saying to data brokers and advertisers - sorry, “partners” - almost in real time.
If that doesn’t creep the living shit out of you, you probably do need psychiatric help…