Here is to hoping something will come out of it. Planned obsolescence is illegal for so much else, but somehow gaas get away with it.
Sure, they shouldn’t need to actively support an eol game with servers and whatnot, that would be impossible in some circumstances. Is it too much to ask companies to have a plan to transition their games into a serverless state instead of letting yet another piece of culture die though? I don’t think so.
When you bought e.g. half-life, it would come with the ability to run a server.
If a game needs a server, that functionality should be added into the game, not kept separate. I mean it might be a separate executable, but it should be part of the game “bundle” because the server is part of the game.
If we could run our own servers, we would. Publishers know that. Most of their money relies on predatory practices, including instilling a “fear of missing out.” They know that artificial scarcity is profitable and they design games with that as a base.
They have gotten away with it bc corps have lobbied for DRM, etc and consistently met success. They just tie fears of piracy into this online only bs and get a pass. 6 months ago
Here is to hoping something will come out of it. Planned obsolescence is illegal for so much else, but somehow gaas get away with it.
Sure, they shouldn’t need to actively support an eol game with servers and whatnot, that would be impossible in some circumstances. Is it too much to ask companies to have a plan to transition their games into a serverless state instead of letting yet another piece of culture die though? I don’t think so. 6 months ago
When you bought e.g. half-life, it would come with the ability to run a server.
If a game needs a server, that functionality should be added into the game, not kept separate. I mean it might be a separate executable, but it should be part of the game “bundle” because the server is part of the game. 6 months ago
If we could run our own servers, we would. Publishers know that. Most of their money relies on predatory practices, including instilling a “fear of missing out.” They know that artificial scarcity is profitable and they design games with that as a base.
They have gotten away with it bc corps have lobbied for DRM, etc and consistently met success. They just tie fears of piracy into this online only bs and get a pass. 6 months ago
Remember the old day of Ragnarok Online private servers (an MMORPG).
Even though it’s not the official intended feature (I think the game source codes got stolen and leaked).
But it’s the way things should be. 6 months ago
Or a way for communities to operate their own servers. 6 months ago
I’d vote to force them to do one of three things:
It should be forced upon them. Want to sell a rug pull? Get ready to not own the rug pull.