registration is invite only at the moment, so please review the community guidelines then let me know if you’d like to join; i’ll send you an invite link. is an open community of writers who value privacy, autonomy, and creative writing – and, most importantly, we reject corporate interests and monetary incentives. We aim to be a no-pressure, polite community of writers from all walks of life, away from the ten-thousand-word user agreements of corporate-controlled platforms. If you consider yourself even the most amateur of writers, you’re welcome here. Too often, writers leave their work languishing in a folder somewhere – this community aims to change that by providing a safe space for expression without fear of ridicule or some big-word conglomerate stealing your words to power a fake-sentient SQL table.
example blog: 7 months ago
How do you ensure that? 7 months ago
As far as I know if it is on the open web, no way to ensure.
Robots.txt can be configured but is not always followed.