It sounds like you’re referring to the National Socialist German Workers’ Party of WWII infamy. People are probably going to assume something else, FYI.
Me and a friend of mine were having a discussion on the holocaust and got banned for mentioning the N word. This is not the first time in games. How come they censor it?
Submitted 6 months ago by to
Comments 6 months ago 6 months ago
Nope I wasn't I was refferin to the NAz word. And I will probably get banned for this but just wondering? 6 months ago
SquigglyEmpire is trying to say that “the N word” typically refers to a derogatory word for black people, not for Nazi.
Video games would probably ban you for saying Nazi because it’s a nasty thing to call someone or be called. It probably isn’t relevant to the game and it’s a topic they’d probably prefer not to have discussed. 6 months ago
Black people werent really targetted. That was mostly Jews, Roma, and gay people. How did black people get brought up? 6 months ago
It was not black people just the dickheads who instigated it so I may need to say the NA word. 6 months ago
Just say Nazi then 6 months ago
OP is referring to the word “Nazi” when referring to “the N word”. 6 months ago
While I haven’t seen the previous conversation, looking at the title of this post and also at the title of the community, that leads me to believe that this may not be a community for political history.
Since many historical events (especially in regards to politics) may be controversial, painful or horrendously offensive, that leads me to believe some people might have gotten pissed off reading that stuff in this particular community.
That is my best guess.