Currently it’s a pretty dangerous place. They have been talking about it though. This is from March.
Why doesn't Israel have its settlers setup homes in Gaza instead of the West Bank like they have been doing?
Submitted 7 months ago by to
Comments 7 months ago 7 months ago
Because it’s a warzone. 7 months ago
They forced settlers out of Gaza like 15 years ago as a peace measure. Fat good it did them 7 months ago
Because there’s resistance in gaza unlike the west bank 7 months ago
Ummm… why does Israel allow any settlers at all when they still haven’t dealt with Palestinians who lost their homes some 50 years ago? It doesn’t really matter whose ‘fault’ it is that these people exist. They do exist. They have no country and no one to take them in. I’m not saying they had to figure it out in 1967, but somewhere in the 70s this should have been resolved.