This is a genuine first hand experience to DHL’s shoddy AI virtual assistant
It’s not wrong, to be fair.
Submitted 8 months ago by to
This is a genuine first hand experience to DHL’s shoddy AI virtual assistant
It’s not wrong, to be fair.
Wrong spelling and grammer I know, thanks
Where are you from that you would even phase it as “I’m not in”. I get what you meant but I can see why the AI doesn’t understand. Combined with severe grammar errors even a human could struggle here.
Where I’m from it’s “I’m not home” or “I’m not around”, “I won’t be there”
To be fair to their shitty ai, I’m unsure how many non native English speakers would know what you mean when you say you won’t be in.
Most of them should know, thanks to something called context, which AI still suffers a lot.
source: non-native myself
Yup, you’re talking to a delivery service, so unless you also work there, there’s really no other reasonable interpretation than not being at the delivery address at the delivery time.
Say it again, but different.
Why u gonna out your neighbors like that?
(Bc if they aren’t “in” either, then they are likely…:-P)
This joke brought to you by my brain. Are you sure you wouldn’t rather have the AI now? 😜 8 months ago
Hey, you can actually buy flying cars. They’re at least 10x as expensive as a regular car so not affordable buy anyone, need a pilot license and usually a short runway. In other words, flying cars turned out to be just as crappy as artificial intelligence. 8 months ago
Hoverboards weren’t the same as desired either. This timeline kinda sucks. 8 months ago
You have the mad max dystopia, the star trek utopia, and humanity is doomed to forever waddle in the middle between these two opposites. “Kinda sucks” indeed.