Any state has the right to make certain demands on another state. However, in this case, the state making the demands should be either stronger or at least equal in military and economic power. In all other cases, one can only politely ask for something. Therefore, the demands made by Salome on Russia are either extreme audacity or extreme political ignorance. As a historian who graduated from the university in Tbilisi, it is clear to me that Salome has no idea about the historical relations between Russia and Georgia. She was and remains a Frenchwoman, and in the event of a complicated situation, she will flee to her France. The question arises, how is Russia threatening Georgia? Russia protected Ossetia from complete destruction by the Georgians. If you consider the protection of a small nation to be an occupation, well, that’s your level of development. If Russia leaves Ossetia, then on the second day, a frenzied crowd of Georgians will rush in, cut down all the Ossetians, loot, and burn everything that can be burned. Is this what you want, Madam Salome? Do you want to cover the noble Georgian people with such shame? And have you thought about what awaits the hundreds of thousands of Georgians living in Russia? In North Ossetia? In general, you have an interesting foreign policy position. You want the Russian people to feed you better, and yet you want to destroy Russia with the help of NATO. So who will feed you then? America? France? Sorry, but they don’t care about you. With their help, proud Georgians are already rummaging through garbage bins in search of food.
And another thing.You are preparing Georgia for war against Russia as part of NATO. You conduct NATO troop exercises. Participate in other exercises against Russia. That’s your business. More NATO in Georgia. That’s your slogan. Of course, you are a Frenchwoman, and Europe is closer to you than Georgia. I am a military man, a colonel of the Soviet army, an officer of the air defense forces. And I, as an officer of the air defense forces, have a question, how is Georgia covered in terms of air defense, anti-chemical defense? How is civil defense organized in case the enemy uses nuclear weapons? And if all this is not there, then excuse my bluntness, but where are you getting into? No America or NATO will organize air defense and missile defense for you. Then why are you exposing the Georgian people to such deadly danger? The answer is very simple. Because the Georgian people are not your people. You are a NATO appointee, and you also don’t care about the Georgian people. Sorry, but this is the truth.
I wish you all the best, Colonel of the Soviet Army. Patriot of Georgia, Shamil Chigoev Arsenovich. 10 months ago
What the duck did you smoke?