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The place to discuss “Retro Communities” like BBS, Fido-Net, Metrolink, Doors games and old forums/technology and even ANSI art.

“Retro Communities” is not just about old technologies, it’s also about the “feel” of those older communities. Text walls are allowed, asking questions is encouraged. Making a mistake is not a tragedy. You are welcome here!

BBS Corner

FidoNet Wiki

BBS Guide

Tradewars 2002

ANSI Art Wiki

BBS Documentary

This is a remote community, information on this page may be incomplete. View at Source ↗

New Post

The place to discuss “Retro Communities” like BBS, Fido-Net, Metrolink, Doors games and old forums/technology and even ANSI art.

“Retro Communities” is not just about old technologies, it’s also about the “feel” of those older communities. Text walls are allowed, asking questions is encouraged. Making a mistake is not a tragedy. You are welcome here!

BBS Corner

FidoNet Wiki

BBS Guide

Tradewars 2002

ANSI Art Wiki

BBS Documentary
