This is a remote community, information on this page may be incomplete. View at Source ↗

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This community is dedicated to helping Lemmy and kbin users find communities and magazines to participate in.

Post your questions, requests, and tips in this community. All discussion is good! The more we share about what’s out there, the better the Lemmy experience will be for everyone.

Note: Please avoid using the shorthand link (links that begin with !) when linking to communities. That method can result in an error in small instances. Details here.

This is a remote community, information on this page may be incomplete. View at Source ↗

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This community is dedicated to helping Lemmy and kbin users find communities and magazines to participate in.

Post your questions, requests, and tips in this community. All discussion is good! The more we share about what’s out there, the better the Lemmy experience will be for everyone.

Note: Please avoid using the shorthand link (links that begin with !) when linking to communities. That method can result in an error in small instances. Details here.
