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The place to discuss airing anime episodes!

Threads are automatically posted by Holo under the username @shinobu@ani.social.

Content Rules:

Spoiler Rules

  • All spoilers, including skipped plot points, must be tagged
  • Spoilers may only be posted in one of the following scenarios:
    • A: As a top-level comment
    • B: In reply to a question which warrants spoilers
    • C: In reply to other spoiler comments
  • Never comment spoilers in such a way that they can be easily guessed by a blind viewer

Please direct all non-episode discussion and content to one of the following fine general anime communities:


This is a remote community, information on this page may be incomplete. View at Source ↗

New Post

The place to discuss airing anime episodes!

Threads are automatically posted by Holo under the username @shinobu@ani.social.

Content Rules:

Spoiler Rules

  • All spoilers, including skipped plot points, must be tagged
  • Spoilers may only be posted in one of the following scenarios:
    • A: As a top-level comment
    • B: In reply to a question which warrants spoilers
    • C: In reply to other spoiler comments
  • Never comment spoilers in such a way that they can be easily guessed by a blind viewer

Please direct all non-episode discussion and content to one of the following fine general anime communities:

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