The real question. Apple seeds also have arsenic, but you would have to eat something like 12 cups of apple seeds to have any health issues.
It’s the dose that makes the poison. 6 months ago
How much arsenic water would I need to distill down to get a useful amount of arsenic?
The real question. Apple seeds also have arsenic, but you would have to eat something like 12 cups of apple seeds to have any health issues.
It’s the dose that makes the poison.
Aren’t you better off with plum or peach seeds?
Beat not to eat any, but it’s still a matter of dose.
How much arsenic do you define as useful? I had a similar thought and could probably figure it out, but I really don’t want to dig my old chem and bio texts out of my garage. 6 months ago
Asking, for science 6 months ago
Of course.