you can double the amount in circulation but if no one raises prices there would be no inflation.
Let’s say all dollars are now worth 2 Xollars. Trading in dollars is now illegal and everything must now be traded in Xollers.
A loaf of bread costing 1 dollar will now cost 2 Xollars.
Doubling the amount of money in circulation doubles prices. 6 months ago
FED policies affect every currency on this planet as they are all backed by the usd… the consumer price index was designed to under report inflation. The basket would be CHEAPER every year because of improvements in production if there was no inflation. 6 months ago
There are a handful of currencies backed by USD but most are not. I only know of Belize dollar, the Hong Kong dollar and the Dirham as backed by USD, as far as I know those are the only ones.
Do you think stores look at the inflation and raise their prices accordingly or do they raise their prices and inflation is calculated based on that? One of those is correct. 6 months ago
Stores don’t look at inflation, inflation makes the stuff they sell more expensive to buy, so they have to sell it for more money or make losses.
Fed policies like interest rates directly affect almost all countries because they have USD debt. 6 months ago
Oh wow, stores must suddenly be buying their materials much cheaper recently when they realized they need to charge less, right?
Or did they just realize the market won’t bear what they’re charging, so they’re lowing their prices to get more business and lower the margin on their sales?
Hint, it’s the second one. Because stores are raising prices to increase profits, not to make up for increased ingredient costs. 6 months ago
So what makes the stuff stores buy more expensive? Like you can create a chain of price raising as far as you want but ultimately it’s just someone deciding to raise prices and that creating inflation.
Again, only a handful of countries own US debt and I don’t even know how US debt interest rates are going to connect to inflation in other countries. Like China and Japan are the largest debt holders and their inflation is vastly different. 6 months ago
Bermudian dollar as well