- Comment on Inflation? 6 months ago:
Inflating money only loses purchasing power if it’s tied to the value of something else as I originally said. That was literally my original point.
- Comment on Inflation? 6 months ago:
So what makes the stuff stores buy more expensive? Like you can create a chain of price raising as far as you want but ultimately it’s just someone deciding to raise prices and that creating inflation.
Again, only a handful of countries own US debt and I don’t even know how US debt interest rates are going to connect to inflation in other countries. Like China and Japan are the largest debt holders and their inflation is vastly different.
- Comment on Inflation? 6 months ago:
There are a handful of currencies backed by USD but most are not. I only know of Belize dollar, the Hong Kong dollar and the Dirham as backed by USD, as far as I know those are the only ones.
Do you think stores look at the inflation and raise their prices accordingly or do they raise their prices and inflation is calculated based on that? One of those is correct.
- Comment on Inflation? 6 months ago:
I don’t think the federal reserve is active outside the US. Also printing money was the cause of inflation when gold was backing the money, now the worth of money is only governed by what you can buy with it. Like you can double the amount in circulation but if no one raises prices there would be no inflation.
- Comment on The Air BnB market is very competitive 7 months ago:
Quality is actually not bad. Like yea, they usually don’t have modern wiring but since the construction materials used are insanely durable and thick renovating those buildings with new windows, heating, pipes and wires gets you like the best possible apartment. You will never hear your neighbours, winters are warm with minimal heating and that building will last for like centuries with minimal maintenance.
Source: Lived in one and renovated it too.
- Comment on To all you outside of the US... 8 months ago:
No chance, I usually don’t care about American politics but I’m not gonna miss the chance to watch 2 geriatric fucks attempt to debate one another.
It was so much worse than I envisioned it to be though. Like one guy seemed to make up literally everything with insane claims that were delivered with confidence only rivaled by how stupid they were and the other sounded like his brain turned to soup if he spoke for more than 5 seconds and when not speaking he looked like a frog seeing a very tasty fly on the wall.
I really hope Europe can get our collective shit together and supply Ukraine once the US shits the bed there.
- Comment on Keeping pet cats indoors would save millions of native animals and billions of dollars. So what's stopping us? 9 months ago:
Walking your cat on a leash is pretty common here. I can’t even remember when I last saw a cat just roaming freely.
- Comment on iPad Pro with M4 chip boasts impressive performance jump compared to just-released M3 MacBook Air 9 months ago:
I don’t doubt it, Apple has never had good gaming performance. But a non apple laptop in the same price range with X86 aimed at gaming can run it a lot better.
- Comment on iPad Pro with M4 chip boasts impressive performance jump compared to just-released M3 MacBook Air 9 months ago:
I’m pretty sure the old AMD APUs from the Bulldozer era can run factorio and that’s like a decade old.
Like sure, it’s some metric but I’m pretty sure any computer produced currently can run factorio.
- Comment on iPad Pro with M4 chip boasts impressive performance jump compared to just-released M3 MacBook Air 9 months ago:
That heavily depends on what the previous machine was. Like factorio runs on my laptop without taxing the system much more than just idling and on my desktop I can’t even tell it’s running based on performance monitoring. So yea, I’m not sure factorio is a good indicator.
- Comment on Steam is now refunding Ghost of Tsushima for people in affected countries. 9 months ago:
I’m sorry you misunderstood what I said. I was saying that Sony is encouraging piracy by making it impossible to play their games legaly in some regions, including mine.
Personally I don’t think piracy is wrong with the exception of indie devs. If you think you are fighting corporations by pirating then yea, that’s dumb but I haven’t heard that stance yet.
- Comment on iPad Pro with M4 chip boasts impressive performance jump compared to just-released M3 MacBook Air 9 months ago:
Yea, obviously, that’s the case for most people. A lot of people for who a chromebook would be enough would not be effected, yea but for example software that isn’t getting new updates and like all gaming would just not work on other architectures currently.
- Comment on iPad Pro with M4 chip boasts impressive performance jump compared to just-released M3 MacBook Air 9 months ago:
I don’t use apple’s stuff but alternatives to X86 could be the future. The one thing they need is compatibility with X86 software otherwise mass adoption is heavily crippled. It doesn’t matter as much for Apple’s stuff since their whole ecosystem is under strict control but for general purpose consumer hardware that compatibility is required first.
- Comment on Steam is now refunding Ghost of Tsushima for people in affected countries. 9 months ago:
If your only option to play a game is moving to a different country then I’d say it’s the most justifiable. If you only have a PlayStation piracy won’t really help you play PC or XBox games though so I don’t see how that would help.
- Comment on Steam is now refunding Ghost of Tsushima for people in affected countries. 9 months ago:
Is Sony saying piracy is justified by making it not possible to buy this game? I guess if I have to.
- Comment on Helldivers 2 Players Express Frustration On Steam As It Will Soon Require A PSN Account 10 months ago:
It actually does, it’s something people get their accounts banned over.
- Comment on It definitely *was* a good idea though 10 months ago:
This triggered a lost memory of watching bootleg MacGyver with some friends while getting blackout drunk celebrating Estonian reindependence after the soviet occupation collapsed. It was in German (None of us spoke German) and he was also doing something with some nitroglycerin on a truck.
- Comment on Why are SMS messages so expensive? 10 months ago:
A relative in their 80s with a dumb phone is the average usecase for me.
- Comment on Why are SMS messages so expensive? 10 months ago:
It also includes calls and Internet. Also I have never sent more than 50 SMS messages per month so I guess I haven’t ever cared, most of my communication is either Signal, WhatsApp or Discord. On average it’s probably like 3 sms’ per month though.
I guess I always though it was pretty cheap since I never ran out of data or anything, I don’t think I could send 500 SMS messages if I tried.
- Comment on Why are SMS messages so expensive? 10 months ago:
They are expensive? I pay 10 euros a month and that includes 500 SMS messages and 100 MMS ones along with call time and Internet that I have never exceeded so I haven’t checked how much it is.
- Comment on Can an online library of classic video games ever be legal? 10 months ago:
In the US or Germany: Straight to jail In Japan: Your organs are now the property of Nintendo to repay this heinous crime. Rest of the world: it depends.
- Comment on OpenAI winds down AI image generator that blew minds and forged friendships in 2022 | Ars Technica 10 months ago:
I got drinks a month ago with some people and we bonded over our shared hatred of generative AI.
- Comment on AI Has Lost Its Magic 11 months ago:
You could in the past. About 6 years ago or so the top 3 results were almost always correct.
Currently you can’t because of the AI generated content that gets things wrong the same way as using an AI as a search engine.
- Comment on AI Has Lost Its Magic 11 months ago:
The problem with using it as a search engine is that if it doesn’t know the answer it commonly makes things up. I tried using it for work but it got details wrong enough to make it useless.
- Comment on AI Has Lost Its Magic 11 months ago:
Most search engines are practically unusable due to the massive amount of garbage AI generated sites that take up the search results while having just platantly false information.
- Comment on Owners of a domain, which domain registrar did you choose and why? 11 months ago:
Veebimajutus. They are a local registrar in my country and I like to support local businesses.
- Comment on Vladimir Putin claims landslide Russian election victory 11 months ago:
At least during the soviet occupation the gave fruit to people to show up to vote for the one option…
- Comment on They lied to us 11 months ago:
Could entirely be. I just remember seeing the UK as a country of origin when looking for a slow cooking Tikka masala recipe and being disgusted with myself for enjoying English cuisine. Like there was no warning, no beans involved or anything.
- Comment on They lied to us 11 months ago:
Yea, Singapore noodles are from Hong Kong and Tikka Masala is from the UK of all places.
- Comment on Electric cars will be cheaper to make than gas vehicles but with much higher repair and insurance costs 11 months ago:
They don’t seem to mention how fast batteries actually degrade, how old those vehicles are, what climate conditions they are used or how many charging cycles are on those. It’s all well and good if the 15000 cars have a low amount of battery replacements but without knowing the conditions it’s kinda useless.
Like where I am the temperature goes from -20C to +30C pretty much every year and in those conditions the makers rate the lifespan from 8 - 12 years.