Comment on Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before 6 months ago
Tametsi -
Simple premise is basically Minesweeper, but all the puzzles are handcrafted with some neat designs and concepts that will stretch your puzzle solving to the limit. Also importantly, no guessing required to solve! 6 months ago
Piggybacking off of this comment, if you happen to enjoy Minesweeper, I recommend:
14 Minesweeper Variants
No guessing is required to solve any puzzle either, despite some variants seeming completely impossible.
Fun fact: There’s an achievement for stumbling across a level with a conpletely empty starting board, without any spaces being revealed to be mines or non-mines. Yes, that can be solved without guessing.
Fun Fact 2: I’d argue there are more than 14 variants.