Good points here
Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago
A bunch of random thoughts I’ve had about this over the years.
If you want to use a hard right lens you can interpret some Star Trek stuff in a way that aligns with your worldview.
- Starfleet is a pseudo-military organization. Rank is very very important. They’re the best of the best, and they come to save the day often with phasers blazing.
- Sure the humans are egalitarian, but each race has its own behaviors and personality types and traits: Klingons are aggressive, Ferengi are greedy, Romulans are duplicitous, Bajorans are spiritual, etc.
- (idk about this one) Men are more “important?” in older trek. Women were sexualized more. In TNG after Tasha died, the leading women were a doctor and a counselor. And they put poor Troi through so many tropes, including random pregnancy and those tight outfits. 6 months ago 6 months ago
I feel like Starfleet in Trek accidentally but directly led to the modern US Space Force.