Comment on What are some adaptations with huge disparities in quality between the source and the anime? 5 months ago-Haruhi Suzumiya - LN - Anime somehow remains nearly 100% faithful to the LNs yet takes what was otherwise kind of a silly and meaningless story and elevates it to masterpiece level. Maybe a hot take: KyoAni already adapted all the best parts of the LNs, it’s almost like I can feel Tanigawa’s creative exhaustion seeping through his words
On the other hand for me: Nagato Yuki-chan manga > anime: let’s just say I yearn for a complete animated adaptation. The story itself, I love it very much. The anime stopped at an awkward point. 5 months ago
I haven’t gotten around to reading the Nagato Yuki-chan manga yet, though it is on my list of stuff to check out.
I watched it immediately after watching the entire Haruhi series for the first time, which is probably a mistake - they are two completely different types of shows that just happen to take place in the same universe. Maybe for the first 8-9 episodes (whenever the black and white episode happens) I wasn’t in the right mindset to properly enjoy the laid back slice of life type that was Nagato Yuki-chan. Also, I couldn’t stop comparing the art style and animation to the KyoAni series, which is naturally going to be an unfair comparison lol.