Comment on YouTube is Losing The War Against Adblockers 5 months agoGoogle makes enough money evading taxes already. Not gonna help them make more.
Comment on YouTube is Losing The War Against Adblockers 5 months agoGoogle makes enough money evading taxes already. Not gonna help them make more. 5 months ago
I don’t care if you use ad blockers. I get annoyed when people publish articles like… “Google is losing the adblockers war” cause then advertisers are going to start pushing harder for Google to actually prevent adblockers entirely, which they could have done already. Thus far Google, despite issues, does quite a lot of good things… Android is the only open source OS out of Apple & Windows. Android lets you install third party app stores. Chrome (Chromium) is open source… etc.
These users writing this content don’t even develop the apps to block YouTube ads. If you’ve ever explored the APIs by YouTube, then you’d know that Google despite pushing ads for users without blockers, is still rather friendly to third party apps. 5 months ago
Advertisers couldn’t care less about adblockers. Advertisers don’t pay if the ad is blocked.