Comment on What are the biggest red flags when talking with a Trek "fan"? 6 months agoThis does not read as mirthful
To me, neither does this:
So what about any of that screams “the Terran Empire did nothing wrong” to you? Or would you rather keep deflecting?
Hypocrisy is super common among people that wave around pretenses of enlightened mediation, so I’m not surprised. Playing the “mean spirited” card while selectively ignoring the escalating petty hostility from the other poster isn’t surprising either.
I’d rather just move on. If some edgy fan wants to stan for edgy characters from what might be the worst of recent Trek shows, I can’t stop them. What I said about what I see as red flags is only highlighted by that exchange, and will further advise me any time I see another edgy fan stanning for the Terran Empire or the like. 6 months ago
Their reply was after your facetious comment with the meme face. Have you considered they were trying to meet your energy? 6 months ago
All of this hinges on you thinking that my meme-faced comment, loaded with space-this and space-that word choices, was insufficiently mirthful.
You’re taking this exchange way too seriously. 6 months ago
That’s OK. You should really consider if your comments are being misunderstood as dismissive instead of “mirthful” and how you can clarify that. Can always be better at communicating 6 months ago
Take your own advice there. You have failed to persuade me and have come across as condescending and sanctimonious while also obviously picking a side while pretending to be a neutral mediator.
I originally wrote, as per the OP, about what I saw as red flags with Trek fans, and that exchange (and this one) have only reinforced how I feel about Terran Empire and Section 31 stans and apologists, no matter how an edgy character in Discovery might have felt bad after the fact after making some friends.