Playing this game anew would be an upside to early onset dementia for me.
Comment on Today's featured article on Wikipedia: Outer Wilds 6 months ago
One of those games you can only experience once. Such a masterpiece!! 6 months ago 6 months ago
Once you finish it, it’s actually really fun watching other people’s playthroughs as well - getting to relive some of the moments vicariously through other people’s eyes is almost as much fun as experiencing them yourself the first time.
It’s also quite amazing just how different each playthrough can be, since the game is so non-linear, people take some crazy paths to get to the end ! It can be frustrating as well when someone just can’t see what is in front of their face though :)
There are also so many subtle elements scattered around that most people miss on their first playthrough, and watching someone else play it really made me appreciate many of the details I missed on my own playthrough and even make connections I didn’t before, and understand aspects of the story that I didn’t fully get the first time. 6 months ago
I keep trying to get the missus to play it, just so I can experience it again.