To you maybe.
Comment on Outrage as fundraiser launched for family of Bristol rioter who attacked police 6 months ago
How does raising money claim the sentence is unlawful he’s already been sentenced so it’s not going to go in for legal defenses. And he’s a dangerous individual and therefore unlikely to be eligible for parole.
Seems like a great big nothing burger really.
Also where did his idiot friend come up with 1 grand from? That is not a large amount of money. 6 months ago 6 months ago
No it’s not a large amount of money to anyone. Live in the same economy we all have to pay the same bills. It’s less 1 months minimum wage. Seems like a very strangely picked limit it’s like to buy someone that doesn’t actually know the value of money and thinks it’s a lot. 6 months ago
It’s a lot of money if you haven’t got any.
Don’t agree with that fundraiser though. They may just have wanted a new iPhone. 6 months ago
It’s for his family. 6 months ago
Seems to just be the standard grift by the family to try and pocket some free money.