So you don’t, is what you’re saying.
Comment on Cryptolancing - A job marketplace where you can pay and be paid in crypto for your work 6 months agoThere are services for that available on the web, such as FairTrade on dread that d/Jobs4Crypto mods recommend. I had experience with this one. Looking for similar ones on the web, there’s also FairDesk on clear-net, but I didn’t have experience with them. The mods on r/Jobs4Crypto offer escrow services themselves, which I hope to offer if my users are willing to trust me with their money. I would have more to lose in the long-term by betraying their trust and taking their money for my own, than to just be honest and offer a good escrow service for my users, so that the activity in the community can continue as intended :)
If that’s not convincing enough though, any 3rd party escrow service that both of the end-users agree on can be used. As long as the person or organization that offers the escrow service is trustable, it shouldbee able to do the job. 6 months ago 6 months ago
yeah yeah yeah get outta heeeereeee