Interesting downvotes.
So people want the adults that radicalized these kids to get off with no punishment?
That’s a hot take I didn’t expect from here!
Comment on Boy, 15, is first person charged with riot over recent English disorder 5 months ago
So they will be going after the groomers next, right? Right?
Interesting downvotes.
So people want the adults that radicalized these kids to get off with no punishment?
That’s a hot take I didn’t expect from here!
I didn’t see it earlier but I’d have assumed this was saying the police should be chasing Rotherham child abusers not wasting time on riots.
Interesting. Edited my 1st comment for clarity, hopefully.
To me when someone says groomers, it puts my mind to tackling the child abusers, or anti-lgbt people accusing people of the same. 5 months ago
I think they are generally calling them “influencers” and there have already been a few people charged for posting online. 5 months ago
It’s good they’ve started with the online ‘influencers’, but is it likely that so many young (11-15 iirc) kids became so radicalized so quickly just from these online sources? 5 months ago
That would imply that the vast majority of rioters are fascists and it is likely they aren’t. The people being convicted so far (and as the article says, they have tended to be charged with lower order offenses, it seems like those who were most heavily involved are coming down the pipe and will get harsher sentences) tend to be knuckleheads, opportunists, career criminals and people with nothing to loose who just want to watch the world burn.
It should be no surprise that in Liverpool riots took place in Walton, one of the most deprived areas of the country. A lot of the kids there have no future, so will take any excuse to smash things up (stupidly, including a community-run library). 5 months ago
So it’s more a case of general ‘mob mentality’ rather than a belief in their bigoted cause? That makes sense.