Comment on Chat is this real 6 months ago
I know this isn’t the point at all, but it must suck to be the chef in charge of that kitchen right now. Like you’ve already made a mistake that’s killed a doctor and now it’s become massive international news…Yikes! 6 months ago
Yknow what else sucks? Dying.
Also I wonder if the staff could be charged with involuntary manslaughter 6 months ago
Lets focus our contempt in the correct direction. You have no idea if the wait staff even interacts with the kitchen let alone if they were trained properly, or trained wrong. 6 months ago
Well that’s the entire thing, they weren’t properly trained on allergens and how to deal with them. The couple asked, asked again, and when the food came out, asked a third time because it wasn’t marked allergen free.
This lands square at the feet of Disney because this, undoubtedly, was a measure of cost-cutting. Disney is notorious for this type of behavior in recent years. As with any capitalist enterprise, the con goes: over-deliver and build up a rep, deliver on that rep to a T, nothing more nothing less, and then the coup de grâce. Cash in on that goodwill by abusing, tightening purse strings, sacrificing customer satisfaction and often safety.
The question we’re all gonna find out the answer to in the coming years is how much goodwill does Disney have, exactly. How long can they milk their customers, turning them away from future visits by making their park and product experiences so expensive that people go into debt to experience them.
I’m hoping to watch the entire edifice fucking crumble and burn. 6 months ago
I’m not defending Disney and I cannot speak to this situation. My experience at the restaurants in Disney Springs was very good with respect to allergens. When we inquired if a meal could be made without certain ingredients for allergy reasons, the wait staff left and found experienced staff to assist us. At one of the restaurants, the chef came out clarified the ingredients in the meal we inquired about, clarified which ingredients were a problem, and they verified (without prompting) the ingredients we asked be omitted had been omitted when the meals came out. We were quite satisfied with our experience. We had been avoiding nearly all restaurants up until that point and felt some relief with how it turned out. 6 months ago
Don’t worry, capitalism is the death kneel of humanity. Global warming will end our species. 6 months ago
Dunno how it is there but where I live you can’t be charged for a legitimate fuck up at work like that. Only if it was malicious