Yeah I was gunna say some plants are toxic to certain pets. And if cats are super into destroying your plants it's probably only a matter of time before they find yours. Although I am not sure if this is a ratio thing (like chocolate) or what - because I only know it. I don't have any personally.
But also gj on this! I am not sure but did you add drainage? I know succulents need only a small amount of water so perhaps it's not such a big issue. Just was the first thing I kicked around. 6 months ago
Good call, honestly I have no idea what any of these succulents are. I’m a plant noob, I’ll have to look into that. 6 months ago
There are apps that can help identify plants if you’re not sure what you’re looking at. Highly recommend to ID them just in case. Some can be irritating, others can make your pets very sick. Please be careful!