Yea, as a sort of reverse tax credit, it would be interesting. But as a profit driver, it’s nice and dystopian. 6 months ago
If done properly this could wipe out food insecurity issues for the most needy.
It won’t be done properly. It never is when left to the corporations. 6 months ago 6 months ago
I guess food stamps kind of do this but they are so hard to actually be granted. We need something automatic that is specifically geared to solving food insecurity for the most needy. 6 months ago
No, the existing “base line” price will stay as is for the poors. Those with slightly more money however…those will pay more. 6 months ago
Yep, that’s what an MBA would decide, so that’s likely what’s going to happen.
That’s why I said in my second line:
But yet you STILL opened your reply with a flat ‘no’, proving you only ever bothered to read a single sentence of my reply so I’m downvoting you, blocking you, and forgetting you ever existed. 6 months ago
I don’t think their “No” was a disagreement, but a confirmation of your second line.…/how-to-agree-with-a-negat… Sometimes, language can be a tricky tool to wield. 6 months ago
And you can have a block as well! I’m so glad they’re free.