- Comment on Consumer, we have detected that you are above the poverty line. The 99¢ price printed on this Arizona tea can only applies to those below the poverty line. Your total comes to $3.67. 6 months ago:
I don’t think their “No” was a disagreement, but a confirmation of your second line.…/how-to-agree-with-a-negat… Sometimes, language can be a tricky tool to wield.
- Comment on Science memes 8 months ago:
Excuse me, sir, this is a well-respected barbershop.
- Comment on hats 11 months ago:
I read every line as 4 syllables of which the 2nd and 4th are stressed. The last line is 7 syllables and can be read as two more lines of 4 beats: (pause) I am AN / aus-TRA-li-AN.
Fits perfectly that way in my opinion.
- Comment on Cucumber 1 year ago:
- Comment on Headphones are a crutch 1 year ago:
I guess it is a matter of how “fluent” you are in the language. With some foreign languages, e.g. when I started learning a bit of Japanese, I could recognize some kanji, understand some bastc sentences, but still had no idea what it would sound like. Maybe it’s similar to that. We get good at recognizing patterns and interpret them just enough to accomplish what we need, and if we haven’t had any use for “knowing exactly what it sounds like” (maybe just enough to recognize we are missing some notes while playing), we save the energy needed to learn more.
But a conductor would definitely need to know what it should sound like (or how they would want the orchestra to make it sound), so it is part af the interpretation of the pattern.
Same for lord patricians and other intra-audiophiles.
- Comment on πckles!!! 1 year ago:
Euler: continues mumbling in German
- Comment on πckles!!! 1 year ago:
Euler: mumbles something about imaginary numbers and identities
- Comment on xkcd #2846: Daylight Saving Choice 1 year ago:
I would say not much different from looking up whether they are in the +0530 or +0630 part of India. I guess the perception of convenience also depends on what you are used to seeing.
- Comment on xkcd #2846: Daylight Saving Choice 1 year ago:
That information won’t be lost, though. It just would be expressed differently. They are no longer in a +8 hour time zone, which given your own location in a +1 hour zone would lead to a most likely open time of 8 - 8 + 1 = 1 til 17 - 8 + 1 = 10 your time, but in an area where opening hours are most likely between 0100 and 1000.
There is still a lookup, but no longer a lookup of time difference of the area, but a lookup of usual business hours in the area.