Nah, leave 4chan. His type generally came cope with the sort of degenerates on there.
Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago
Fox news, twitter, facebook, instagram, truthsocial, 4chan, 8chan, stormfront if thats still a thing 6 months ago 6 months ago
4chan is racist? I always thought it’s just gross in many ways and not specific to racism. 6 months ago
Oh my sweet naive child 6 months ago
No more or less then twitter or Facebook, but there’s no hidden communities or algorithm creating bubbles. 6 months ago
there’s no hidden communities or algorithm creating bubbles.
Just pointing out that their bubbles are willingly and intentionally created by what boards one frequents.
It’s technically possible to browse boards that aren’t complete shit holes, assuming that your preferred board doesn’t get raided. Or, more likely, people just don’t notice the crypto-racism on less overt boards, like /k/, or /g/ to a lesser extent based on current events… 6 months ago
Also 6 months ago
Stormfront is still a thing! I actually looked it up a while back to see if that cesspool is still going. Found a fascinating post by one user claiming that vegetables and greens (as opposed to meat) make men weak and that brussel sprouts are, in fact, a jewish conspiracy.
I like to think of it as a digital kiddy pen for the dumbest of racists. 6 months ago
Stormfront is the grandpa of nazi racist sites. They’ve been blaming Jews for everything since way before these modern social media platforms were even imagined!