Comment on Current best lemmy clients 6 months ago
Anyone else get a lot of “Failed to load media” messages on images? I particularly see them on science memes in both Voyager and Arctic on iOS. Haven’t tested on android yet.
Comment on Current best lemmy clients 6 months ago
Anyone else get a lot of “Failed to load media” messages on images? I particularly see them on science memes in both Voyager and Arctic on iOS. Haven’t tested on android yet. 6 months ago
All the time on science memes, try going back to ‘best of all time’. It can also make modding on mobile quite a pain, when you as a mod can’t see the post. Though the failed to load media is, what I have heard not due to the app itself but that the link in the post is broken and the app just has not indexed the post yet. Which is why other apps may show the post correctly because they indexed it before the link broke. However I can not remember where I read that. So it might be completely false.