Comment on If you bought a 3D printer for personal use, was it worth it? ⁨5⁩ ⁨weeks⁩ ago

My first printer was a self built reprap from parts from aliexpress in college.

I then helped fund peachy on kickstarter and a stupid poured resin counterweighted printer called the Phoenix.

I then had an Geeetech A10M, a Prusa Mk2 and ender 3, as well as one resin printer.

All I have left is the Prusa mk2 that hasn’t worked right for over a year and doesn’t print anything.

I would buy a new printer in a heartbeat if I could afford it.

I definitely have never made back my money. To many dumb purchases and early generation jank all over the place but it was fun. The first thing I ever did with my first hand built printer was make a lithopane of my deceased dog and eventually my grandfather.

I’ve made so many stupid things and spent so much time on it as a hobby that it filled my days with activities, reason to communicate with others and frustrating nights all alike. Its not for everyone and its not really a good idea but if you have the means or like a hobby of tinkering and building in the modern world there is very little experience like it.
