The state is incredibly far ahead of any individual mass murderer.
Comment on ‘Killer robots’ are becoming a real threat in Africa. 6 months ago
I’m actually surprised it has taken this long.
What surprises me even more is that organized crime hasn’t gotten on board much (yet). Like, screw drive by shootings – drone dropped grenades on rival gangs and such.
Or that drones haven’t been used for “school shooting” type mass casualty attacks.
Or that foreign countries haven’t snuck in with a sea can full of drones which fan out and attack infrastructure.
Imagine a cruise missile as a drone carrier that just scatters anti-personnel drones along a flight path, each just finding a person indiscriminately.
If there’s anything that Ukraine is teaching us, it’s that we don’t have countermeasures (yet). The autonomous versions are even scarier. 6 months ago 6 months ago
We do have countermeasures, however many countries mothballed them because we thought them obsolete.
The Gepard which has been proven to be invaluable in a close range AA role, is being pulled from scrapyards. Yes, the radar resolution has to be increased to effectively track small single use drones, but the technology is there.