I do think the sleaze is an integral side to Frank’s character that should stay or he would be a lot less interesting. I don’t think anything in the article actually demonstrates that they are changing his character despite the headline. If I recall correctly, Off the Record also included the mechanic even though Frank was not the protagonist so perhaps it was never meant to reflect on his character and was just there to reward the player for being kind of gross.
Comment on Dead Rising remaster will make Frank West less of a creep
Glide@lemmy.ca 6 months agoI mean, a small part of me dislikes the lost potential for satire. Dead Rising was always an over-the-top franchise, and Frank always came off as a kind of “wants to be taken seriously, but often finds himself selling candid shots of celebrities to tabloids to get by” kind of photographer. But the presentation was too serious and felt ultimately creepy, rather than being funny or coming off as social commentary.
SanguineBrah@lemmy.sdf.org 6 months ago
altima_neo@lemmy.zip 6 months ago
Yeah I thought that was partt of Frank’s character. He’s a has been that never was that reluctantly finds himself becoming a hero.