Commonwealth Bank:
- Shitty interest rates
- account fees
- Patchy coverage
- Poor uptime after natural disasters
Wait nevermind
Comment on Queensland’s premier wants publicly owned petrol stations – is that a good idea? 6 months ago
But more often than not, Australia’s citizens found themselves little better off if at all. This turned out to be a common international experience for other countries privatising their utilities.
Name one thing that’s been privatised that has resulted in any combination of better product, better service, or better price?
Commonwealth Bank:
Wait nevermind
Telecom wasn’t exactly a shining example of a government run service though.
Side note: Bring back the CES , privatised job search is an absolute fucking disaster.
Better service for very rich ppl. No service or unaffordable for rest.
Better product, and better service. Not better on the price, but it was asked for one out of three.
anything that benefits from/has potential for innovation really (things like launch vehicles), but public services and stagnant industries should be owned by the people
Water/sewer systems 6 months ago
Your comment couldn’t have been clearer, but 3 out of the 4 replies to it seem to have interpreted it to mean exactly the opposite of what it says.
Either that, or those three comments are incredibly fucking dumb and their idea of “better product” is “more money for corporations”. 6 months ago
have you seen how much cheaper 1kg on a falcon 9 is compared to a legacy rocket like the atlas v 6 months ago
Yes, your comment was the one out of four that wasn’t stupid. 6 months ago
my bad i only saw 3