I’m not sure breaking the warp 10 barrier is such a positive, knowing how that episode ends…
But I agree. Paris has my vote too.
Comment on Battle of the Helmsmen will now commence. 8 pilots enter. 1 pilot leaves.
UPGRAYEDD@lemmy.world 1 year agoUnderrated best pilot for sure. The only pilot in the show who constantly just wanted to pilot things.
Enters a space race, designs his shuttle to look like a hot rod and configures the controls for manual operation. Works on classic cars on the holodeck. He breaks the warp 10 barrier.
I’m not sure breaking the warp 10 barrier is such a positive, knowing how that episode ends…
But I agree. Paris has my vote too.
Is that the episode I’ve spent most of my adult life trying to forget?
What episode whatnow?
The lizard one.
Its not the warp 10 barrier itself that matters. Its more that hes actually interested in being a pilot. Where all the others are very thin characters.
dm_me_your_feet@lemmy.world 1 year ago
dont forget he has children with Janeway (☞゚ヮ゚)☞