About ten years back, I had moved away from home and was living in a small town with no Internet in my apartment. The only internet connection I had was the local library.
I remember being so surprised at the amount of viruses on those dumb computers. I wondered what the heck people were doing to them to get them in that state, and then one time I saw some dude looking up porn and just downloading whatever programs the pages he came to told him to.
Anyway, I’m glad I have Internet in my apartment now.
Xenny@lemmy.world 6 months ago
Now hear me out before I get stabbed. Libraries shouldn’t have to provide this service. In fact I wish more libraries were specialized in locking down their systems to be only used for knowledge gathering. Think a terminal that an only access reliable web sources for information.
We need a separate public space for free Internet access. Most libraries see funding hits because they are used as resources for the less fortunate to get back on their feet.
Large metro libraries right now sort of act as a “get a job center” which the unfortunate fact is drives off anyone else who wants to use the library for it’s actual resources. And also puts other costs on the library.