Comment on I spent ~$35 on new cables and my LAN speed increased 6x 6 months ago
Ethernet speeds historically were measured in 10/100/1000. In my past life I worked for an a small rural isp. And part of my learning I was taught that cat5 was 8 wires, or 4 twisted pairs. If one wire were cut a network card would negotiate down to its lowest speed. It’s possible with those numbers you had a bad connection, or a broken strand in the cable and it auto negotiated to 10mbps. 6 months ago
I’ve a run of around 60 meters of old telephone cables (made out of copper, 4 wires) and I can get 100Mbps on those reliably. I used the old telephone infrastructure on the building to pass network from an apartment to the basement that way.
Not to spec on ethernet on any way, not even twisted pairs but they do work. Unfortunately I can’t replace the run with a proper Cat6 cable because there’s a section that I can’t find where it goes to, it just disappears on a floor and appears 2 floors bellow it inside the main telephone distribution box.
On the distribution box (that is already on the basement of the building) I’m plugging into the LSA connector that goes to the apartment:
The box box you see there is a mikrotik gper that is essentially a switch with only 2 ethernet ports so I can get over the 100m limitation of ethernet. I’m running a cat6 cable from there on metal cable trays for about another 90 meters until it reaches a storage unit 2 floors bellow ground.
Here’s a ping test from a machine sitting on the storage box to the router on the apartment:
The router reports this as a 100M full-duplex connection: